Hope Series Episode 10

Hope Series Episode 10

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Romans 15:4:
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Hello, my walking friend! Is there anything on your mind you need to let go of? Anything that might distract you from this time of meditating on God’s word…and more importantly, his love for you? If so, take a deep breath and, as Elsa from Frozen would say, let it go! Clear your mind, heart, and soul so that the Holy Spirit can fill you with thoughts of Jesus.

Today is the 10th episode in the hope series and our verse to meditate on is Romans 15:4:
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Have you ever jumped into reading the Old Testament and thought, “I don’t understand this and I don’t see what it has to do with me and my life now?” Okay, if we are being honest with each other, my walking friend, I think we could all say that we have thought this at least once before!
But in this verse, the Apostle Paul is telling us that the Old Testament scriptures are significant in shaping the faith and hope of believers.

Paul emphasizes the timeless relevance of the Old Testament Scriptures for the Christian faith. The entire Old Testament, with its narratives, laws, prophecies, and poetry, serves as a rich and instructive resource for our spiritual growth and understanding. The stories of God’s interactions with His people, both their successes and failures, teach us valuable lessons about faith, obedience, and God’s nature.

And the Scriptures contain numerous accounts of individuals who endured trials and tribulations with unwavering faith. Their stories inspire and challenge us to persevere in our own journeys of faith. By observing the faithfulness of people like Abraham, Moses, David, and many others, we learn that God is faithful to His promises and that we can trust Him in the midst of difficulties.

The Scriptures are not merely a historical record but also a source of encouragement. The psalms, for example, are filled with expressions of praise, lament, and trust in God. They provide comfort and solace during times of distress, reminding us that we can turn to God in all circumstances.

That is why it is so important to study and meditate on the Scriptures regularly, like you are doing now! The Bible is not just a collection of ancient writings; it is a living and powerful Word that continues to speak to us today. Through its pages, God reveals Himself, His purposes, and His ways, inviting us to align our lives with His divine will.

One of the main purposes of learning from the Scriptures and drawing encouragement from them is to cultivate hope in our hearts. Hope is an essential aspect of our Christian life, and it finds its foundation in the promises and character of God. The Scriptures point us to the hope we have in Christ, who is the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan, and the assurance of eternal life.

As believers, we have the privilege of learning from the experiences of those who walked with God in ages past. Their stories, preserved in the Scriptures, serve as a guide as we walk with Jesus today. By observing their faithfulness and the faithfulness of God to them, we are encouraged to trust in His unwavering love and care for His people – and that means you, my walking friend!

In our increasingly fast-paced and uncertain world, where it is hard to even find 10 minutes to walk with Jesus, the need for hope is more significant than ever. The Scriptures offer a solid foundation for hope that transcends the temporal and points us to the eternal. As we study God’s Word, let’s be encouraged and inspired by the testimonies of those who have gone before us, knowing that the same God who sustained them walks with us today

Now let’s take a little time to meditate on today’s verse, Romans 15:4:
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

You are now at the halfway point of your walk. If you need to be back in 10 minutes, this would be the time to turn around and head back.

The second half of our walk is an opportunity for reflection, meditation, and prayer. For many of us, myself included, this might feel challenging. But the spiritual rewards, and transformation, that come from developing this discipline is great and so is the power of the Holy Spirit to help us. So let’s start with some questions that will guide you in the process of reflection.

What story or stories in the Bible encourage you during tough times?

What story or stories from your own life encourage you about God’s faithfulness and love for you?

How does having hope help you endure adversity?

Now let’s listen to today’s verse one last time: Romans 15:4:
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Is there anything else you would like to talk to Jesus about? Anything going on in your life? Remember he is right there with you, walking with you, and he is eager for you to share all that is on your heart and mind with him. Take some time to talk to him now.

Now I am going to pray for us:
Dear Jesus,
Please forgive me when I doubt your faithfulness. I know you are trustworthy and I want to trust you completely, but my flesh is so weak. Give me the irresistible desire to read your word so that you can encourage me and remind me of your rescue plan. Thank you for saving me from my sin and for giving me a new life. Thank you for sharing the stories of so many saints so that I can be encouraged to stay strong in the faith when I face adversity. Thank you for turning my hopelessness into genuine hope because you are the one and only true promise keeper. I love you, Jesus, and I desperately need you. You are my hope and I thank you for walking with me always. Amen.

Well, my walking friend, you did it! Another 10 minutes of walking and another opportunity to build the spiritual discipline of prayer and quiet time with Jesus, our rescuer. I’m grateful for you and I’m grateful you took the time to walk with me today.

For more Walk with Jesus resources, including the Walk with Jesus 21 day scripture, devotional, and guided prayer journal book for walkers, go to WalkWithJesusDevotional.com. You will find the URL for the show notes for this podcast in the episode description.

I hope we can walk together again tomorrow, friend, as we continue to meditate on Biblical hope. Until then, God bless you as you walk with Jesus.

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About Lynne

Lynne is a storyteller at heart who is passionate about her  faith, family, fulfilling her purposes, and fresh brew! She is an author and speaker who tells entertaining stories, both true and imaginary, that have a spiritual perspective and touch the heart.

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