Hope Series Episode 1

Hope Series Episode 1

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We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19

Hello, my walking friend! What things make you feel hopeful? When you walk in God’s creation, does it refresh your soul and give you a more hopeful perspective? I know it does for me. And, the Lord knows, we, his followers, need to be more hopeful people! So, good for you for taking this time to walk and to walk with Jesus.

Today is the 1st episode in the hope series and our verse to meditate on is Hebrews 6:19:
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

When we walk with Jesus, we aren’t guaranteed that we won’t face stormy seasons. I know there have been times in my life when I have felt lost and overwhelmed. But we know that, even in the storms of life, we can feel secure because Jesus is the anchor for our soul. Imagine a ship caught in a terrible storm, but its anchor is so strong, so trustworthy, that the captain of the ship has peace all through the storm. In the same way, when our hope is in Jesus we have an immovable, unbreakable anchor that connects us to our Savior. This hope is not fleeting or fragile, but is firm and secure. It is grounded in the promises of God, the faithfulness of Jesus, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Our world is so uncertain, isn’t it? Every day, it seems like there is something else to shake our confidence and and fill us with dread. That’s what happens to me when I watch too much news or I click on the headlines that show up when I open my laptop or, especially for this podcast loving girl, when I listen to my favorite political podcasters. It causes me to put too much focus on worldly issues. And all the possible worldly solutions make me feel hopeless. This shouldn’t be a surprise! We are told to fix our attention on Jesus, not the world, who is the pioneer and perfecter of the faith, who, in view of the joy set before him, endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and who sits at the right hand of the throne of God.

In a world filled with uncertainty, our hope in Christ serves as an unwavering source of strength and steadfastness. It enables us to face trials with courage, knowing that our anchor holds in every circumstance. This hope is based on the unchanging nature of God Himself. When we fix our gaze on Him, our hope is renewed, and we find the endurance to persevere through the darkest valleys.

So, my walking friend, remember your anchor in the storm is Jesus. When we cling to this anchor, we are equipped to navigate the challenges that come our way. No matter how fierce the waves, our hope in Christ allows us to rise above them, standing firm in His promises. Our hope in Jesus is rooted in his promises. He has promised to never leave us, to love us, and to walk with us through all of life’s circumstances. His promises remind us of why we hope in him and not the world.

If you are in a stormy season now and it feels like you are in the middle of the ocean in a life boat, being tossed around, just pause. Take a deep breath. Now imagine that Jesus, the one who created the ocean, the one who can calm the storm, is holding onto your life boat.

Now let’s take a little time to meditate on today’s verse, Hebrews 6:19:
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

You are now at the halfway point of your walk. If you need to be back in 10 minutes, this would be the time to turn around and head back.

The second half of our walk is an opportunity for reflection, meditation, and prayer. For many of us, myself included, this might feel challenging. But the spiritual rewards, and transformation, that come from developing this discipline is great and so is the power of the Holy Spirit to help us. So let’s start with some questions that will guide you in the process of reflection.

Think of a time in your life when you thought that something from the world – a person, your finances, your influence – could make you feel secure. Did the feeling last? Were you disappointed? Take some time to consider your answer now.

Now think of a time when your hope in Jesus brought you peace and reassurance during a storm in life. How was your hope in Jesus different from the security you felt from worldly solutions? Reflect on that now.

How does your hope in the resurrection of Jesus help you live your life with a heavenly perspective? Take some time to consider that now and to thank Jesus for your salvation.

Now let’s listen to today’s verse one last time Hebrews 6:19:
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Is there anything else you would like to talk to Jesus about? Anything going on in your life? Remember he is right there with you, walking with you, and he is eager for you to share all that is on your heart and mind with him. Take some time to talk to him now.

Now I am going to pray for us:
Dear Jesus,
I am not going to lie. Sometimes in life, I am terrified by the storm. When I rush off and try to tackle the storm on my own without tying my life to your anchor, I am filled with dread. It is so easy to focus on my fear and the danger churning below the boat that I neglect to look up to heaven. Forgive me, Jesus, when I look at earthly substitutes to get me through the storms of life. Remind me to tie the rope of your anchor around my life because this is the only hope I have to make it through the storm. Thank you, Jesus, for being beside me when the sailing is smooth and when the seas are rough. Thank you for your saving grace and for walking with me always. Amen.

Well, my walking friend, you did it! Another 10 minutes of walking and another opportunity to build the spiritual discipline of prayer and quiet time with Jesus, the anchor for our soul during the storms of life. I’m grateful for you and I’m grateful you took the time to walk with me today.

For more Walk with Jesus resources, including the Walk with Jesus 21 day scripture, devotional, and guided prayer journal book for walkers, go to WalkWithJesusDevotional.com. You will find the URL for the show notes for this podcast in the episode description.

I hope we can walk together again tomorrow, friend, as we continue to reflect on biblical hope. Until then, God bless you as you walk with Jesus.

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About Lynne

Lynne is a storyteller at heart who is passionate about her  faith, family, fulfilling her purposes, and fresh brew! She is an author and speaker who tells entertaining stories, both true and imaginary, that have a spiritual perspective and touch the heart.

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